FCSS Funding Application
Opens Jun 17 2024 12:00 AM (MDT)
Deadline Sep 2 2024 05:00 PM (MDT)

To be eligible, each proposed project must be managed by, or under the direction of a community group or agency which is incorporated (or in the process of becoming incorporated) as a non-profit society in Alberta; or operating under the administrative jurisdiction of a school division or municipality.

Agencies are required to complete a separate application for each program/project. 

To qualify for support under this program, the proposed project shall:

Promote, encourage, and facilitate volunteerism and the use of volunteers;Be of a preventive nature in order to:Enhance, strengthen, and stabilize family and community life,Improve the ability of persons to identify and act on their own social needs,Help avert family or community social breakdown,If early symptoms of a social breakdown appear, help prevent the development of a crisis that may require major intervention or rehabilitative measures.

3. Provide services on the basis of clearly identified social needs, with clearly defined goals.

Types of Support

Special Project Grant Applications - for projects that are short-term and not part of the operational costs of the organization. Projects requests in this category tend to be for special events or single endeavors, rather than ongoing services. They should be less than 12 months in duration and not require permanent staff. Maximum amount available is $500.00 per project. Please request a special project application form.Operating Grant Applications - for projects or programs that entail ongoing operational costs. Project requests in this category tend to be for offsetting deficits in the base/operating costs of providing an existing service.

Operating Grant Application Process

The application and funding process is as follows:

Call for grant applications Deadline for applications - please submit Administrative review of applications by FCSS Manager, and, if necessary request for further information.Applications are reviewed by the FCSS Advisory Board – presentations on requests will be scheduled for October/November.Decision on funding made by County CouncilFCSS Manager informs applicantsFunding agreement signedGrant cheques issued

Normally the Grant Application process takes place in the time period from June to December each year so that grants are issued at the beginning of the municipality’s financial (calendar) year.

Applicants should note that the grant approval process might be delayed during municipal election years.

Each application must be accompanied by:

Summary of the program on your letterhead Current certificate of Incorporation as a Society Current list of Board member names (Name only as per F.O.I.P. legislation)Current by-laws of the organization Complete audited financial statement from the previous financial year.Budget for the project for next 2 years.Completed Program Logic Model.

FCSS Funding Application

To be eligible, each proposed project must be managed by, or under the direction of a community group or agency which is incorporated (or in the process of becoming incorporated) as a non-profit society in Alberta; or operating under the administrative jurisdiction of a school division or municipality.

Agencies are required to complete a separate application for each program/project. 

To qualify for support under this program, the proposed project shall:

Promote, encourage, and facilitate volunteerism and the use of volunteers;Be of a preventive nature in order to:Enhance, strengthen, and stabilize family and community life,Improve the ability of persons to identify and act on their own social needs,Help avert family or community social breakdown,If early symptoms of a social breakdown appear, help prevent the development of a crisis that may require major intervention or rehabilitative measures.

3. Provide services on the basis of clearly identified social needs, with clearly defined goals.

Types of Support

Special Project Grant Applications - for projects that are short-term and not part of the operational costs of the organization. Projects requests in this category tend to be for special events or single endeavors, rather than ongoing services. They should be less than 12 months in duration and not require permanent staff. Maximum amount available is $500.00 per project. Please request a special project application form.Operating Grant Applications - for projects or programs that entail ongoing operational costs. Project requests in this category tend to be for offsetting deficits in the base/operating costs of providing an existing service.

Operating Grant Application Process

The application and funding process is as follows:

Call for grant applications Deadline for applications - please submit Administrative review of applications by FCSS Manager, and, if necessary request for further information.Applications are reviewed by the FCSS Advisory Board – presentations on requests will be scheduled for October/November.Decision on funding made by County CouncilFCSS Manager informs applicantsFunding agreement signedGrant cheques issued

Normally the Grant Application process takes place in the time period from June to December each year so that grants are issued at the beginning of the municipality’s financial (calendar) year.

Applicants should note that the grant approval process might be delayed during municipal election years.

Each application must be accompanied by:

Summary of the program on your letterhead Current certificate of Incorporation as a Society Current list of Board member names (Name only as per F.O.I.P. legislation)Current by-laws of the organization Complete audited financial statement from the previous financial year.Budget for the project for next 2 years.Completed Program Logic Model.

Jun 17 2024 12:00 AM (MDT)
Sep 2 2024 05:00 PM (MDT)